Our Window to the World

‘Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.’ Demosthenes

The FOGSI Website was first launched in 1999. The website was initially managed by the newly formulated Website Committee. After five years the Managing Council recognising the importance of the website decided to make website management a FOGSI Office function. The management responsibility is now centralized and shifted to FOGSI Office with the Deputy Secretary General being assigned supervisory responsibility.

The website has evolved over the last decade and is now at a critical juncture. It is now upgraded to a portal to create a dynamic interface for FOGSI, planned to be a comprehensive information bank, communication channel and an academic and professional resource creating a presence for FOGSI in cyberspace worthy of a professional organization with FOGSI’s size and influence.

The strength of the website is that it carries the increasingly valued FOGSI brand with automatic potential access to over 25,000 FOGSI member netizens. Besides this being the official website of one of the largest speciality medical organizations carries with it the credibility of professional organization association.

In it’s present avatar the new FOGSI Website was launched on February 4, 2010 with Dr. Nozer Sheriar as Website Coordinator. . The FOGSI Website now has an upgraded configuration of 1 GB and an all new layout to making the website more user friendly. A pool of contributors – Team Website has been invited to provide a constant stream of material and articles with the eventual plan of making the FOGSI Website a preferred resource for visitors seeking a professional organizations guidance in common gynecological and obstetric conditions.

The acknowledged aims and objects of the FOGSI Website are to provide a contemporary channel for engagement and involvement  with FOGSI’s  membership, to increase transparency and encourage understanding of FOGSI’s structure and function, to provide a medium by which members can actively access and update academic knowledge and clinical skills on subjects relevent to contemperory practice,  to advocate FOGSI’s positions on women’s health issues and reproductive health and rights and to document and share information about FOGSI’s activities, contributions and achievements.

The Website Management Committee has been formulated to take responsibility for editorial content, recommending and monitoring compliance with the recently adopted Website Guidelines and day to day management issues.

The FOGSI Website is open to all and requires registration only to profile visitors and to use this to update FOGSI records and drive future developments. A website exists to be accessed and creating a dedicated community of visitors along with other casual drop by visitors is vital to popularity and success.

The FOGSI website will transcend to a different level when it finally grows to create an entire section which will be a reliable portal for general population. It will act as a professional advisory website with information on obstetric and gynecological conditions and procedures. These postings will be created for evidence based content while stressing choices in Indian scenario.