It was one of the a stated goals of this FOGSI year that the decade old FOGSI Website be restructured, reenginneered and rejeuvenated to give us a cyberpresence befiting out size and status. That commitment now stands fulfilled with all the others we had made and since achieved. A respectable web presence is expected of all modern organizations in an increasingly connected world and often defines it’s intent, purpose, activities and achievements.
FOGSI was a pioneer in the field of scientific journal publication with the Indian Journal Obstetrics and Gynecology. We look forward to the day when the FOGSI Website will establish itself on similar lines both in terms of administrative stucture and internal autonomy and as one of the most widely accessed accessed and read professional organization in existance. I wish the FOGSI Website the very best on behalf of the entire FOGSI membership and assure Dr. Nozer Sheriar and his Website team the fll support, invovement and engagement of our Federation